Franchise Agreement And Islamic Franchise Concept

Megacaesa Fuditia


Every franchise agreement has three principles, namely to be honest and clear, each article in the agreement must be fair, and the contents of the agreement can be enforced based on law, this research uses a normative juridical approach, the results of the study state that franchising is carried out based on a franchise agreement that must be registered. at the competent government agency. The franchise agreement regulates the legal relationship between the franchisor and the franchisee to carry out franchise activities. The franchise agreement or franchise is in written form. Before making an agreement, the franchisor is required to provide a written statement or prospectus regarding his business data or information correctly to the franchisee. The franchise agreement contains a clause at least the names and addresses of the parties; types of intellectual property rights; business activities; the rights and obligations of the parties; assistance, facilities, operational guidance, training and marketing provided by the franchisor to the franchisee; business area; duration of the agreement; reward payment procedure; ownership, change of ownership and rights of heirs; dispute resolution; as well as procedures for extension, termination and termination of agreements.

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