Application Of Omnibus Law In The Investment Field As A Efforts To The Settlement Licensing Regulation And Harmonization Of Law Regulation In Indonesia

Galuh Kartiko, Ludfi Djajanto, Rosy Aprieza Puspita Zandra


This study aims to analyze the conceptual implementation of the omnibus law that should be in the legal system of legislation in Indonesia and the application of the Omnibus law in the field of investment in resolving licensing regulatory issues. The doctrinal examines the basic rules and legislation regarding the problems faced in the application of the omnibus law in response to problems that are almost investment in Indonesia. Omnibus Law can be simply interpreted as one law that can change several laws at once. There are three conditions for practicing the omnibus law, that is, the law to be changed is directly related, the law to be changed is not directly related, and the law to be changed is not related but is in tangent practice. The target to be achieved is to create a friendly and adequate investment ecosystem to support the demographic bonus currently being experienced by Indonesia. The regulation is directed at the ease of doing business and the simplification of regulations in investment, overlapping legislation. Implementation regulations need to be prepared immediately. The Draft Investment Law is accelerated because of the increasingly competitive competitive global economic competition in filtering and creating a friendly, effective and efficient investment climate.

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