Ilham Akbar, hmad Husaini


President Joko Widodo complained about the many regulations that Indonesia has. Legislation both from the level of the law to the regional regulations of the Mayor and Regent are approximately 42 thousand. And overall has conflicting potential. The large number of laws and regulations can hamper the bureaucracy and investment. The President’s concern is reasonable, because given the production of legislation too partially regulating. On the inauguration of the President and vice president on October 20, 2019, the president said that the government would invite the Parliament to issue two Laws namely the Employment Act and the Law on Macro Business Empowerment Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). Each of these laws will become an omnibus law, one law that revises several laws.The problem in this research is how is the Business Entity Omnibus Law Bill for the welfare of the Indonesian people?Basically statutory regulations or norms must have benefits for the community. This is the goal of the State of Indonesia, including in the Draft Omnibus Law that is being formed. According to the Secretary of the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs Susiwijono stated there are 3 (three) benefits from the application of the Omnibus Law, namely: 1. Eliminating Overlaps between legislation; 2. The efficiency of the process of amending / revoking legislation; 3. Eliminating sectional egos by making arrangements all forms of business entities mentioned above into each separate regulation. Obviously there will be more regulations that will potentially create overlap. In addition, the calculation of the cost of forming each regulation will also multiply, which will make a waste of state money.

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