@article{Rahardjo2013, author = {Eric Rahardjo and dan Wayan and Program Studi Ortodonsia and Program Pendidikan Dokter Gigi Spesialis and Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi and Universitas Gadjah Mada and Bagian Ortodonsia}, issn = {2086-0218}, issue = {2}, journal = {J Ked Gi}, pages = {57-66}, title = {Perbandingan besar friksi antara braket Begg dan braket self ligating menggunakan arch wire stainless steel 0.016}, volume = {4}, year = {2013}, } @article{Aditya2019, abstract = {Nickel in orthodontic bracket will be released immediately in the oral cavity. The release of Ni ion may trigger type IV hypersensitivity reaction. Colostrum has a high content of lactoferrin which can inhibit T cells proliferation after nickel sensitization, and decrease oxidative stress. Adding potassium sorbat 0.5%, or fermentation of colostrum may extend colostrum storage. The purpose of this research is to know the difference of nickel ion release in colostrum with 0.5% potassium sorbat addition and fermented colostrum. Methods of the study were laboratory experimental with four groups, colostrum and 0.5% potassium sorbat, fermented colostrum, sodium fluoride and artificial saliva. The sample was incubated in 40°C for 7 days. Nickel ions was measured using an inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrophotometry (ICP-OES Perlun Elmer Optima 8300®). Ni ions release differences were tested using the Kruskall-Wallis and Mann Whitney test.The lowest rate of Ni ion release wasfound in the colostrum group with 0.5% potassium sorbat followed by the fermented colostrum group. Kruskal-Wallis test no significant difference (p> 0,05) in each study group. The Mann Whitney test found significant differences between colostrum solution with 0.5% potassium sorbat and sodium fluoride, and also artificial saliva. The results concluded that colostrum with 0.5% potassium sorbat inhibit the release of Ni ions.}, author = {Grahita Aditya and Hikmah Nuraini and Whinahyu Aji Sekarini}, doi = {10.22146/teknosains.37727}, issn = {2089-6131}, issue = {1}, journal = {Jurnal Teknosains}, month = {12}, pages = {12}, publisher = {Universitas Gadjah Mada}, title = {Pengaruh Material Konservasi Kolostrum terhadap Pelepasan Ion Ni}, volume = {9}, year = {2019}, } @article{Chapman2010, abstract = {INTRODUCTION The development of incipient caries, or white spot lesions (WSLs), is a significant clinical problem in orthodontics. The purpose of this study was to retrospectively determine the incidence and severity of WSLs by examining pretreatment and posttreatment digital photographs. METHODS A total of 332 consecutive finished patients from a university graduate orthodontic clinic were evaluated. Initial and final digital images were compared to assess WSLs. The facial surfaces of the anterior 8 maxillary teeth were analyzed. The percentage area of WSL per total facial tooth surface was calculated to control for magnification differences. Reliability of the method was assessed by comparison with direct clinical examination data. Patient and operator factors, and treatment complexity and outcomes were evaluated as predictors of WSL incidence and severity. RESULTS Agreement between direct clinical examination and digital photo data was excellent, with an intraclass correlation coefficient 0.88 and a 0.3% average difference between methods. The incidence of at least 1 WSL on the labial surface of the anterior 8 maxillary teeth was 36%. The order of incidence was lateral incisor (34%), canine (31%), premolar (28%), and central incisor (17%). CONCLUSIONS Risk factors for the development of incipient caries during orthodontic treatment were young age (preadolescent) at the start of treatment, number of poor hygiene citations during treatment, unfavorable clinical outcome score, white ethnic group, and inadequate oral hygiene at the initial pretreatment examination. The use of computer software to evaluate digital photos retrospectively is a valid method for assessing the incidence and severity of WSLs on the maxillary anterior incisors, canines, and premolars.}, author = {Joshua A Chapman and W Eugene Roberts and George J Eckert and Katherine S Kula and Carlos González-Cabezas}, doi = {10.1016/j.ajodo.2008.10.019}, issn = {1097-6752}, issue = {2}, journal = {American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics : official publication of the American Association of Orthodontists, its constituent societies, and the American Board of Orthodontics}, month = {8}, pages = {188-94}, pmid = {20691360}, title = {Risk factors for incidence and severity of white spot lesions during treatment with fixed orthodontic appliances.}, volume = {138}, year = {2010}, } @article{Tsichlaki2016, abstract = {INTRODUCTION There is little agreement on the expected duration of a course of orthodontic treatment; however, a consensus appears to have emerged that fixed appliance treatment is overly lengthy. This has spawned numerous novel approaches directed at reducing the duration of treatment, occasionally with an acceptance that occlusal outcomes may be compromised. The aim of this study was to determine the mean duration and the number of visits required for comprehensive orthodontic treatment involving fixed appliances. METHODS Multiple electronic databases were searched with no language restrictions, authors were contacted as required, and reference lists of potentially relevant studies were screened. Randomized controlled trials and nonrandomized prospective studies concerning fixed appliance treatment with treatment duration as an outcome measure were included. Data extraction and quality assessment were performed independently and in duplicate. RESULTS Twenty-five studies were included after screening: 20 randomized controlled trials and 5 controlled clinical trials. Twenty-two studies were eligible for meta-analysis after quality assessment. The mean treatment duration derived from the 22 included studies involving 1089 participants was 19.9 months (95% confidence interval, 19.58, 20.22 months). Sensitivity analyses were carried out including 3 additional studies, resulting in average duration of treatment of 20.02 months (95% confidence interval, 19.71, 20.32 months) based on data from 1211 participants. The mean number of required visits derived from 5 studies was 17.81 (95% confidence interval, 15.47, 20.15 visits). CONCLUSIONS Based on prospective studies carried out in university settings, comprehensive orthodontic treatment on average requires less than 2 years to complete.}, author = {Aliki Tsichlaki and Siew Yee Chin and Nikolaos Pandis and Padhraig S Fleming}, doi = {10.1016/j.ajodo.2015.09.020}, issn = {1097-6752}, issue = {3}, journal = {American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics : official publication of the American Association of Orthodontists, its constituent societies, and the American Board of Orthodontics}, month = {3}, pages = {308-18}, pmid = {26926017}, title = {How long does treatment with fixed orthodontic appliances last? A systematic review.}, volume = {149}, year = {2016}, } @article{Rosdayanti2018, abstract = {Background: Stainless steel orthodontic wire is a material commonly used in orthodontic treatment, because its economical price and corrosion resistance. The corrosion-resistant of stainless steel orthodontic wire can be affected by foods or beverages that have low pH. The coconut water has a low pH. Corrosion that occurs in orthodontic wire causes roughness on the surface of the wire and fragility, thus affecting duration of treatment. Purpose: determine corrosion rate of stainless steel orthodontic wire after immersed with coconut water. Methods: This research is true experimental study with pre-test and post-test control group design using simple random sampling. Consist of 20 samples divided into 2 groups: immersion in coconut water (experimental group), and immersion in saline (control group). Corrosion rate used weight loss method. Results: Mean corrosion rate of stainless steel orthodontic wire after immersion used coconut water and saline that is 1,9484mpy and 0,2587mpy. Wilcoxon test before and after immersion in treatment group obtained result p=0,005 while in control group obtained result p=0,180. The comparison of corrosion rate between groups using Mann Whitney U test results obtained p=0.001. The results shows the rate of corrosion in experimental group used coconut water has a significant difference, the control group used saline there was no significant difference. Conclusion: The rate of corrosion of stainless steel orthodontic wire immersion with coconut water is greater than the rate of corrosion in saline solution immersion.}, author = {Reysa Rosdayanti and Diana Wibowo and Fajar Kusuma Dwi Kurniawan}, issue = {1}, journal = {Dentin}, pages = {58-62}, title = {Analisis laju korosi kawat ortodontik lepasan stainless steel pada media air kelapa}, volume = {2}, year = {2018}, } @article{Siswanto2013, author = {Siswanto and IWS Prihandini and Sri Suparwitri}, issue = {2}, journal = {J Ked Gi}, pages = {136-141}, title = {Perbandingan gaya friksi kawat stainless steel sebelum dan setelah perendaman dalam saliva buatan pada periode waktu yang berbeda (studi laboratoris in vitro)}, volume = {4}, year = {2013}, } @article{Bonde2016, abstract = {Orthodontic stainless steel archwire is one type of fixed orthodontic archwire that is often used in orthodontic treatment and have corrosion resistant, but these corrosion resistant can be influenced by the circumstances in the oral cavity. The oral cavity is an ideal environment for corrosion, due to the saliva and components which contained in saliva and low salivary pH. Consuming coconut water can cause the salivary pH becomes low. Coconut water which has a low pH could be expected to affect the corrosion process of orthodontic stainless steel archwire, that marked by nickel and chromium ions release which is bad for the body. This study aimed to determine the amount of nikel and kromium ions released from orthodontic stainless steel archwire that was immersed in saliva artificial plus coconut water. This type of research was descriptive laboratory with post-test only control group design. Sample in this research was orthodontic stainless steel archwire with three different brands and immersed in saliva artificial plus coconut water for 13 hours in an incubator at 37°C. The results were analyzed using Atomic Absorpstion Spectroscopy. The research data is presented in graphical form. The amount of nikel ions released from orthodontic stainless steel archwire that immersed in saliva artificial plus coconut water on the sample A is 4.19 ppb, sample B 38.6 and sample C 46.2 ppb and the amount of kromium ion release to the sample A is 44.8 ppb, sample B is 48.4 ppb and sample C 50.1 ppb .}, author = {Marchelina M Bonde and P S Anindita}, issue = {4}, journal = {PHARMACONJurnal Ilmiah Farmasi-UNSRAT}, keywords = {atomic absorpstion spectroscopy,coconut water,nickel and chrome,orthodontic stainless steel archwire}, title = {Uji pelepasan ion logan nikel (Ni) dan kromium (Cr) kawat ortodontik stainless steel yang direndam dalam air kelapa}, volume = {5}, year = {2016}, } @article{Devi2010, abstract = {Various types of metallic orthodontic wire and brackets stainless steel, cobalt-chromium-nickel alloy, nickel-titanium alloys, beta-titanium alloy are use in the treatment of malocclusion. For correct of orthodontic appliance one must have a thorought knowledge of the material from wich these appliance are made. The mechanical and physical properties of these materials change greatly under variying condition of manipulation.These metals undergo chemical or electrochemical reactions with the oral enviroment resultilting in disssolution or formation of chemical compounds. Under several situations thr oral enviroment is highly aggresive and leds to corrosion. An in vitro study to measure the behavior of corrosion on Beta III Ti and CNA orthodontic archwire has been done. The aim of this study was to calculated the corrosion rates of orthodontic archwire. The rectangular 0.017x0.025 Beta III Ti (3M Unitek) dan CNA (Ortho Organizer) were used in this study. To measure the corrosion rates the weight loss and planed interval test method has been used. Data was tasted and analized using Between Subjects Effectc and Multiple Comparation test .. The result show the corrosion rates of CNA was higher than Beta III Ti.}, author = {Leliana S Devi}, issue = {1}, journal = {Stomatognatic (J.K.G. Unej)}, keywords = {Orthodontic wire,Titanium alloy,artificial salivar,corrosion rate}, pages = {56-61}, title = {Corrosion rate of titanium orthodontic wire after immersion in artificial saliva}, volume = {7}, year = {2010}, } @article{Iwasaki2003, abstract = {The efficiency of tooth movement associated with some orthodontic mechanics can be compromised by friction between archwire and bracket. This study examined the effects of bracket ligation forces (F(N Ligation)) and mastication on friction when sliding a bracket along an archwire. Preliminary data from 5 orthodontists and 5 orthodontic residents characterized average tight and loose stainless steel F(N Ligation). These values were reproduced by a calibrated operator in a custom device used to estimate changes in the measurement of ex vivo and intraoral frictional forces, represented by mu(a), the apparent coefficient of static friction. Ten subjects chewed gum with the device in place to determine whether vibration eliminated friction when compared to ex vivo measurements. Nested analysis of variance and Tukey HSD tests determined the effects of ligation type and environmental variables. No significant differences (P >.01) were found between ex vivo and intraoral mu(a) values for tight and loose stainless steel ligation. Intraoral mu(a) values for elastic ligation were significantly greater than ex vivo mu(a) values (P