Try Widiyono, Farhana Farhana


In Law Number 31 of 1999 as amended by Law 20 of 2001 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption, it provides a normative direction that one of the essential things that must be proven in a criminal act of corruption is the existence of "state losses". For members of the Board of Directors of State-Owned Enterprises with Persero status, in managing the company, especially in providing credit or financing, they will be very afraid of their actions which can be made suspects in criminal acts of corruption. The legal relationship between the state as a legal subject and a limited liability company with the status of a limited liability company is the ownership of a majority share or controlling share by the State in a limited liability company with a limited liability status. Such legal relations have been regulated in various applicable laws and regulations which have and are based on theoretical and philosophical foundations such as corporate legal doctrines such as the legal doctrine of the principle of the corporate veil, the legal doctrine of fiduciary duty and the Business Judment role. Therefore, legal problems arise, namely how is the relationship between State law and State Companies?; and whether in the provision of credit or non-performing bank financing can affect the value of state participation in state-owned banks in said state/regional-owned banks?. The legal research used in discussing the problem in question is using normative legal research, so that the results obtained in this legal research are what they should be.

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