Edwar Kelvin


Along with the development of technology, entrepreneurs are faced with an era of disruption that requires them to develop a new innovation in their business field, including entrepreneurs buying and selling gold. Innovation is the key to the success of a business to maintain their business. Because, when the company is careless and late in innovating, the company must be prepared to lose market share. The innovations carried out by the company also follow changes in the market that continue to change from time to time.

One way to deal with the era of disruption in the 4.0 era, the majority of companies are starting to adopt digital technology to support their business. With the use of more sophisticated technology, to make it easier to do and save time. This method of course is also done by gold entrepreneurs. They started offering their gold products in store applications such as Tokopedia, Shopee, Lazada and others of the same kind. One of the virtual buying and selling features offered by the Bukalapak application is BukaEmas which can be used as an online gold business medium. Buying and selling gold at BukaEmas does not occur in cash because the seller and the buyer are separated by distance (not facing each other directly). This situation seems inconsistent with the provisions in the hadith which states that buying and selling gold is done in cash. The hadith was narrated by Abu Daud Tirmizi, Nasa'i, and Ibn Majah, with the Muslim text from 'Ubadah bin Shamit, that the Prophet said: "Gold for gold, silver for silver, wheat for wheat, poetry for poetry, dates for dates, and salt for salt, must be the same size, the same amount, and must be constant. If these types are different, then sell them as you please on condition that they must be in cash

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