Sri Kusriyah


       The writing entitled Spatial and Regional Planning Policy as a Basis for Implementation of Development in Indonesia aims to find out how to regulate spatial planning in Indonesia's territory as an effort to realize national goals and how to use spatial planning as the basis for implementing development.

        The method used in this research is using normative juridical research methods, with the main data being secondary data in the form of written data/documents consisting of primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials related to spatial planning policies in Indonesia, then the data is analyzed by qualitative analysis with provide an interpretation of the data that has been collected.

      The results of the study indicate that that spatial planning policies in Indonesia are directed towards the realization of one of the state's goals, namely general welfare, this can be seen in one of the considerations for the establishment of Law No. The archipelago, both as a unitary container that includes land space, sea space, and air space, including space within the earth, as well as as a resource, needs to be improved in its management efforts in a wise, efficient and effective manner by referring to the rules of spatial planning so that the quality The sustainability of national territorial space can be maintained for the realization of general welfare and social justice in accordance with the constitutional basis of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. based on Archipelago Insight and National Resilience

      Spatial planning plans are meant to be the basis for implementing development, namely the National Spatial Plan as a guide for the preparation of national long-term development plans, the preparation of a national medium-term development plan, the provincial spatial plans as a guide for the preparation of regional long-term development plans, the preparation of plans regional medium-term development, district spatial plans serve as guidelines for the preparation of regional long-term development plans, preparation of regional medium-term development plans.

       Recommendations from this paper must be socialization from the central government to local governments in preparing regional spatial plans as well as socialization to the community so that there is an understanding between the central government and local governments as well as the community, so that spatial planning as the basis for implementing development related to grants will be able to run. effectively.

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