Achmad Jusriadi Tasrif, Mochamad Umaryaji


The inclusion of standard clauses in an agreement or document is still often found
in online transactions. With the inclusion of the standard clause, of course, it
raises problems regarding the validity of the agreement in the perspective of
Article 18 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 8 of 1999 in conjunction
with Article 1320 of the Civil Code. In other words, whether the agreement that
includes standard clauses has legal force or is null and void. Then with the
inclusion of standard clauses in an agreement, and this causes losses to
consumers, then whether consumers can claim compensation from business actors
in the perspective of Law No. 8/1999.
The conclusion that can be drawn is that in a normative juridical manner the
inclusion of a standard clause (exoneration) in the agreement between business
actors and consumers can be canceled because it is contrary to Article 18 of the
Republic of Indonesia Law Number 8 of 1999.
Effective supervision is needed from the Ministry of Trade and Industry and the
Indonesian Consumers Foundation (YLKI) on the inclusion of standard clauses by
business actors in an agreement or document on goods and/or services in the
context of consumer protection.
Keywords: Clause, Exoneration, Transaction, Online

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26532/pdih.v4i4.20770


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