Juridical Review Of Authority Overlapping Issues In Law Enforcement In Marine And Coastal Area

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Indonesia is an archipelagic country. It has the consequence that there is a need for a security system for marine and coastal areas through law enforcement policies in marine and coastal areas that are truly balanced and evenly distributed. However, in its development, law enforcement in marine and coastal areas often has problems, one of which is each related agency’s overlapping authority. This writing aims to analyze the juridical review of overlapping authority in law enforcement in marine and coastal areas. The method used in this paper is sociological juridical. From the research results, it was found that the implementation of law enforcement in marine and coastal areas is marked by the overlapping authority between 14 (fourteen) ministries / state institutions mandated by 18 (eighteen) laws as law enforcement officers in marine areas. And the beach. This overlap of authority is indicated by the existence of equal powers to carry out surveillance, chasing, and investigations in the marine area and Indonesia’s jurisdiction. Based on the description above, the description of the fragmentation dimension is sufficient to represent a substantial reason for law enforcement authorities’ miscoordination in marine and coastal areas. The real form due to the fragmentation dimension can be seen in the failure of communication established by law enforcers in marine and coastal areas. As a result of mentioned problems above, the budget is a waste that results in losses to state finances.

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