Good Governance Construction In The Era Of Digital Democracy Based On Pancasila Value In Indonesia

Tri Mulyani, Aga Natalis, Binov Handitya


In the middle of modern era which is signed by the development of digital technology, democracy is considered as the most ideal concept to elevate people’s contribution in order to pursue the good governance system. However, this kind of democracy is often misused, for instance the bullying trend and word of hatred in social media which is destructive. This research is aimed to discover and analyze the urgency and good governance construction in the era of digital democracy based on Pancasila value in Indonesia. This research uses qualitative method with normative jurisdiction approach and analytical descriptive as the research focus. The result of the research shows that the urgency and the good governance construction in the era of digital democracy based on Pancasila value is to ensure it will go in line with the state value. Digital democracy in order to create good governance should be prioritizing consensus/representativeness as the local wisdom, having the concept of one God Almighty which uphold humanity, uniting Indonesia to pursue the social justice for all society in Indonesia

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