the comparison of the stress level of the mother of the cleft lip or palate child with the mother of a normal child.

Ellis Choirurizqoh, Yayun Siti Rochmah, Febia Astiawati Sugiarto


Parenting  for cleft lip or palate non-syndromic  (CB/LNS) children can cause psychological problems, especially for mothers. The psychological problems experienced by mothers of CB/LNS children are due to the difficulty of taking care of them. This is the reason why mothers of CB/LNS children experience different psychological problems than mothers of normal children. This study aims to determinane  the comparison of the stress level of the mother of the cleft lip or palate child with the mother of a normal child.

The research method used in this research is descriptive analytic method with purposive sampling approach. Methods of data collection using a questionnaire that has been tested for validity and reliability. The number of subjects in this study consisted of 24 mothers of CB/LNS children and 24 mothers of normal children.

The results of this study indicate that there are differences in the stress levels of mothers of CB/LNS children with mothers of normal children. The significance value is 0.000 <0.05.

The conclusion obtained is that there are differences in stress levels of CB/LNS with mothers of normal children.


Keywords: stress, mother's stress level, child cleft lip or palate.

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