The Relationship Between Family Support and Students' Academic Achievement

Fatkhiyah Fatkhiyah, Huyi Intan Sari


In the college environment, students often receive financial, moral, spiritual and other support from family members. Family support may be necessary for the students to have succesfull academic achievement. Students’ academic achievement may not only depend on the quality of school and the teachers, rather the extent of family support has vital role in students’ academic achievement. This study aimed to find out the relationship between family support and students’ academic achievement. As correlational study which belongs to quantitative study, this study used closed-ended and open-ended questionnaire as the instruments. The writer adopted three indicators in this study. They were moral, financial and motivational support. The sample of this study were fourth semester students of English Education Study Progam UNISSULA. The result of this study showed that there is a significant correlation between family support and students’ academic achievement and moral support’s indicator dominated in this study. It was proven that the correlational coefficient value was bigger than the score of r table or 0.519 > 0, around 0.40-0.599 of the interpretation of the correlation coefficient. It can be desribed that the correlation coefficient between family support and students’ academic achievement is moderate. It can be concluded that the alternative hypothesis is accepted and the null hypothesis is rejected.

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