Etika Sukma Adiyanti, Agus Irfan, Susiyanto Susiyanto


The glory era of Kudus which was formerly known as Tajug declined after the death of Sunan Kudus in 1550 and ended when the Islamic Mataram Kingdom began to control almost all regions in Central and East Java. Prince Puger, who at that time served as the deputy ruler of Mataram in Demak and its surroundings, carried out a rebellion against the king in Mataram but was defeated and was exiled in Kudus until he died and was buried in the village of Dema'an. It was at this time that Kudus turned into one of the main rice suppliers for the kingdom of Mataram. Changing urban patterns have an impact on the socio-cultural community of Kudus. In order to answer the purpose of the research, which is to find out the urban planning patterns by Sunan Kudus and the Colonial Period also to see how the changes and impacts that emerged after the Dutch rule, this study uses qualitative methods based on primary and secondary sources available, so that then can be compared. The results of this study indicate that the pattern of the Kudus City which was once with the concept of GUSJIGANG (Bagus, Ngaji, Commerce) by Sunan Kudus has changed with the concept of polarization by the Dutch Colonial. Until the 18th century Kudus was under Dutch rule and was made a district and social level. The development of the city moved to a new area to the east of Kaligelis (known as Kudus Wetan) in the 19th century. It had an impact on the social, economic and cultural lifestyle of the Kudus Kulon people.

Keywords: Kudus Old City, Gusjigang, Colonial Era, Urban Design

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