Liquefaction Potential Analysis on Sandy Soil & Silty Sands Using Korinofaction Device

Prakoso Jati, Rinowan Jati Pamungkas, Soedarsono Soedarsono, Ari Sentani



Abstract - Earthquakes are natural disasters which cannot be predicted when it will occur. In general, earthquakes are caused by the movement of earth plates or commonly referred to as tectonic earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions called volcanic earthquakes. In a certain soil condition, earthquakes also cause liquefaction, which is a phenomenon where soil behavior changes from solid to liquid conditions, it occurs in saturated soil conditions which have increased in pore water pressure due to the operation of cyclic loads caused by earthquakes. The research method used in this analysis was using Korinofaction device with its principle of generating lateral force vibrations like earthquakes originated from a single pass dynamo rotation, and then adjusting its speed through a speed regulator dimer, then, measuring its speed using a digital tachometer, and analyzing it based on the objectives which want to be achieved. The results obtained from the three types of soil samples showed the occurrence of liquefaction. The percentage of moisture content in the three types of soil samples were 25%, 21.9%, and 19.86%; the area of the occurrence of liquefaction were 169.2 cm2, 1558.81 cm2, and 1599,352 cm2; and the depth of the liquefaction area in the sandy soil were right 4 cm,  left 5 cm; in the silty sand (10% silt) right 6 cm, left 7 cm, and in the silty sand soil (20% silt) the right side was 9 cm, the left was 7 cm. The highest percentage of moisture content was in sandy soil because it has a relatively large pore cavity compared to silty sand, the largest impacted area of liquefaction occurred in sandy soils, and the highest liquefaction depth was in the type of silty sands at 20% silt content.


Keywords: Natural Disasters, Earthquakes, Liquefaction, Soil, Water, Pore Water Pressure

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