
Mengatasi degradasi moral yang terjadi saat ini perlu adanya pembentukan pendidikan karakter pada usia dini. Penerapan pendidikan karakter bisa melalui bercerita, bernyanyi, dan lainnya. Guru mengajarkan pendidikan karakter, guru harus mengenalkan pengetahuan moral, perasaan dan perilaku melalui sikap. TK Senyiur Indah menggunakan Kurikulum 2013 dalam pembelajaran karena merupakan inovasi baru terhadap dunia pendidikan. Penerapan metode storytelling di sekolah mampu membuat siswa semakin cerdas. Metode ini
menjadikan cerita sebagai media dalam pembelajaran bahasa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Penelitian Tindaklan Kelas (PTK)Hasil penelitian menunjukkan storytelling mampu mengembangkan pengetahuan siswa
mengenai kesehatan dan obat. Pengenalan kesehatan diimpelmentasikan pada tema profesi. Usia yang potensial dalam pembentukan karakter ialah usia emas. Masa tumbuh kembang usia anak untuk membentuk karakter sekitar usia 0-5 tahun. Penngkatan sebanyak 40%. Nilai tersebiut diperoleh dari nilai rata-rata Siklus 1 sebesar 59% dan nilai rata-rata Siklus 2t 99%. Sehingga ada peningkatan nilai secara signifikan. Terdapat peningkatan pada siklus 2, siswa mampu mendapatkan nilai diatas 80 sebanyak 99%. Berdasarkan hasil
penelitian menggunakan storytelling dengan tema profesi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode tersebut dapat meningkatkan pemahaman siswa mengenai obat dan profesi apoteker. Dari hasil penelitian dapat dikatakan bahwa metode storytelling mampu mengembangkan pengetahuan siswa mengenai kesehatan dan obat. Pengenalan kesehatan diimpelmentasikan pada tema profesi. Kriteria keberhasilan pada siklus 2 ditentukan oleh peneliti. Pengetahuan anak mengenai profesi apoteker di tingkatkan melalui metode storytelling bermuatan pendidikan karakter.
Kata kunci: storytelling, nilai karakter dan tema kesehatan

Overcoming moral degradation that occurs today needs the formation of character education at an early age. The application of character education can be through storytelling, singing, and others. The teacher teaches character education, the teacher must introduce moral knowledge, feelings and behavior through attitudes. TK Senyiur Indah uses Curriculum 2013 in learning because it is a new innovation to the world of education. The application of storytelling methods in schools can make students more intelligent. This method makes the
story as a medium in language learning. This study uses the Classroom Action Research (CAR) method. The results showed storytelling is able to develop students' knowledge about health and medicine. The introduction of health is implemented on the theme of the profession. The potential age for character
formation is golden age. The growth and development of the child's age to form a character around the age of 0-5 years. Increase by 40%. The value is obtained from the average value of Cycle 1 of 59% and the average value of Cycle 2t 99%. So there is a significant increase in value. There was an increase in cycle 2, students were able to get scores above 80 by 99%. Based on the results of research using storytelling with professional themes, it can be concluded that the method can increase students' understanding of medicine and the pharmacist profession. From the results of the study it can be said that the storytelling method is able to develop students' knowledge about health and medicine. The introduction of health is implemented on the theme of the profession. Success criteria in cycle 2 are determined by researchers. Children's knowledge about the pharmacist profession is enhanced through storytelling methods with character education.
Keywords: storytelling, character values and health theme


storytelling; character values and health theme

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Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia is published by Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, FKIP Universitas Islam Sultan Agung, Indonesia.