Literature Review: Strategies for Improving Time Out Implementation Compliance and Surgical Safety Using Digital and Electronic Media

Fedi Sudrajat, Titin Sukartini, Arina Qona'ah


Introduction: Minimizing the occurrence of unexpected incidents during surgery is the goal of surgical safety. Unexpected events and sentinel events are the impact of absences, time outs that result in wrong locations, procedure errors, and patient surgery errors. This incident can occur due to ineffective communication and checklist instruments that have existed previously in their use have not been optimally applied. The cause of ineffective communication is because the time out component is not fully confirmed, it is considered to be just filling out a checklist, the infrastructure or equipment is still lacking. Purpose: Explanation of the influence of digital and electronic media on the implementation of the time out surgical safety checklist by the surgical team. Methods: The method of searching for article data sources was carried out using inclusion and exclusion criteria according to the PICOS format through the Scopus, PubMed, Ebsco and ProQuest databases (2016-2022) to retrieve relevant articles published in English, Keywords related to audio recording submissions, surgical team adherence, surgical safety checklists were used in search of related subjects. The inclusion study design uses a literature review abstract or the full text of a research journal. The quality of the research used the PRISMA diagram literature search. Results: Based on the results of the 10 reviewed journals, the results obtained were increased adherence to officers, in the implementation of surgical safety checklist time out with strategies using audio, audiovisual and computerized systems. The average compliance with time out implementation by the surgical team was above 50% but not up to 100%. The results of the literature review show that an overview of implementing time out using audio, audiovisual and using a computerized system can increase officer compliance and can influence a person's behavior. Conclusions: Compliance with the implementation of the surgical safety checklist time out by the surgical team can be further improved using the audio recorded delivery method with a computerized system. Completion of the surgical safety checklist and implementation of time out can be evaluated every month to determine the quality of the implementation of sign in, time out and sign out in the operating room with the implementation target of achieving 100% compliance.


audio recorded; audio visual; surgical safety checklist; time out; compliance

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