The Effectiveness Method of Nurse Competency Assessment to Improve Nurse Performance: a systematic review

Shofiyah Wati


Introduction: The amount of workload that nurses have can affect the performance of these nurses because high workloads are at risk of reducing nurse performance. Competency evaluation, better known as competency assessment, has various methods as an effort to improve nurse performance. more effective in improving nurse performance.. Method: The method used is a systematic review of articles and journal searches carried out within the scope of the database. The keywords used are “nursing assessmentâ€, “competencyâ€, “clinical nursingâ€, and “nursingâ€. Results: The results of this systematic review found 15 articles that match the criteria. The results of the analysis of the article contained a method that could be used as a nurse competency assessment method. Conclusion: mhealth interventions in the form of Short Message Services, Barcodes, and Android Applications. This is a very innovative method of performance appraisal at each hospital, which varies based on the needs and competencies of the nurses in the hospital. Each assessment has a positive effect on improving nurse performance.


clinical nursing; competency ;nursing assessment;

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