Werda Notary's Responsibility for the Loss of Minutes of the Deed He Made

Siska Nur Utami


This research aims to analyze: 1) The legal responsibility of a notary for the loss of minutes of the deed he or she has made. 2) The legal protection of a notary is related to the deed he or she makes. The approach used in this research is a normative juridical approach. This type of research falls within the scope of normative legal research. The type and source of data in this research is secondary data obtained from literature study. The analysis in this research is qualitative. The results of the research are concluded: 1) The legal responsibility of the werda notary for the loss of the minutes of the deed he or she has made is that the werda notary is not responsible for the loss of the minutes of the deed after handing over the protocol to the notary receiving the protocol. Werda notary is only responsible for minutes lost while the notary is still in office. This is because there is no obligation for the notary to re-create deed minutes that are lost or damaged due to the negligence of the notary who gave the protocol or the notary who is registered. But this responsibility has shifted to the recipient of the notary protocol. Therefore, responsibility shifts due to loss or damage to the deed due to negligence on the part of the protocol holder. Notary protocol or what is usually called deed minutes if it is lost later. 2) The legal protection of notary publics is related to the deeds they make, namely that the Notary Position Law does not specifically regulate legal protection for notary publics. The form of protection needed is the existence of statutory regulations and protection from the Indonesian Notary Association (INI). The Indonesian Notary Association (INI) has a field of guidance, one of whose duties is to accompany notaries and notarial supervisors, within a professional framework with the approval of the Supervisory Board, when called upon by investigators, prosecutors or judges. There is no clear time limit for the responsibility of the werda notary for the deed he or she has made, so special legal protection is needed for notaries, especially for notaries who are no longer in office (werda notary).


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