Juridical Analysis of the Use of Barcodes in Notarial Deeds in Order to Improve Security Aspects

Kharisma Adelia Riqoyani


This research aims to find out and examine the position of notarial deeds regarding the use of barcodes in order to improve security aspects, and to find out and examine the legal consequences of using barcodes for notarial deeds in order to improve security aspects. This research approach method is in the form of normative juridical. The research specifications are descriptive analytical. Data sources consist of primary data, secondary data in the form of primary legal materials and secondary legal materials, and tertiary data. The data collection technique is in the form of a library study using the technique of researching library materials (library research). Then the entire data was analyzed using qualitative descriptive methods. The research results show that the juridical analysis of the use of barcodes in notarial deeds is in order to improve security aspects: First, the position of notarial deeds regarding the use of barcodes in order to increase security aspects is as long as the notarial deed that uses barcodes does not alter, replace or add words that can give rise to other interpretations with the substance of the head of the deed, the contents of the deed, and the closing of the deed meaning that it is valid. Second, the legal consequence of using barcodes on notarial deeds in order to increase the security aspect is that there is no prohibition, so that the aim of securing notarial deeds can be carried out properly and correctly as long as they do not conflict with UUJN.


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