Juridical Review of the Legal Status of Binding Agreements for the Sale and Purchase of Land Rights Under Hands That Have Been Waarmerking (Case Study of Supreme Court Decision Number 08 K/Tun/2013)

Muhammad Avisina


Waarmerking process is only recorded by a notary, not made from scratch by a notary. What if one party avoids it? If a private deed has been certified by a notary, is the notary also responsible for the deed? In this research, the author discusses the legal position of the Sale and Purchase Agreement (PPJB) for private land rights that have been waarmerking (Case Study Number 08 K/TUN/2013).Method The approach used in this thesis is normative by using primary data as the main data by conducting normative legal research, which is a process of finding legal rules, legal principles and legal doctrines to answer the legal issues faced. Apart from that, there is also a special approach, namely the statutory approach. The statutory approach is one of the research approaches used by the author by examining statutory regulations related to the legal issues being studied.The position of Notaries in Indonesia is very necessary, in the explanation section of the Notary Position Law (UUJN) it is said about the importance of the existence of Notaries as in the enactment of Law Number 02 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law No. 30 of 2004 concerning Notary Positions. A notary is defined as a public official who has the authority to make authentic deeds and other authorities as intended in this Law or based on other Laws. If we look at other notary authorities as stated in Article 15 paragraph (2) letter b UUJN.


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