The Effectiveness of Electronic Mortgage Registration in Klaten Regency

Fajar Eko Purwanto, Arpangi Arpangi


The need for electronic registration of mortgage rights, with various weaknesses regarding the management of digital-based mortgage registration, in its development will give rise to ineffectiveness in society. The purpose of this research is to find out and analyze: 1) The legal position of the electronic mortgage deed. 2) Factors influencing the effectiveness of the current implementation of electronic mortgage registration. The approach method used in discussing this research problem is a normative juridical approach. The specification of the research used is descriptive analytical research. This type of data uses secondary data. The data analysis method used in this research is qualitative data analysis. The research results concluded: 1) The effectiveness of the implementation of electronic mortgage registration is currently not fully effective, because there are still some obstacles or obstacles. Registration of electronic mortgage rights has not all been carried out in accordance with the procedures stated in the HT-el Juknis. However, in order for the law to apply effectively, of course there are internal and external constraints related to the implementation of the registration of mortgage rights using electronic means, it is necessary to find a solution to overcome these obstacles. After going through various obstacles in carrying out electronic registration, in general since the implementation of electronic registration it has been more effective and efficient amidst the Covid-19 pandemic. Obstacles continue to be attempted to be overcome so that everything runs smoothly. 2) Factors that influence the effectiveness of the implementation of electronic mortgage registration currently consist of juridical and non-juridical factors. Juridical factors include checking documents which takes a long time, and electronic HT applications which still often have errors, while non-juridical factors include many PPATs which have not been verified so they cannot access the HT-el application, banking human resources which are still slow, and PPATs which are not yet enthusiastic in HT-el service because it is considered more difficult.

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