The Role of Officials Making Land Deeds in Making Deeds of Land Grants to Recognized Out of Wedlock Children

Arina Rahmawati, Anis Mashdurohatun


This research is to find out and analyze the legal construction, constraints and should PPAT in making a recognized deed of land grants to children out of wedlock. This study uses empirical juridical methods with the main data collection techniques through interviews and literature as supporting data with qualitative descriptive data analysis. The results of the study show that the construction of statutory law and Islamic law allows parents to give their assets to children out of wedlock who are recognized as long as they do not exceed the absolute share of other heirs, namely 1/3 part and are made in the form of an authentic deed. In addition, the transfer of land rights must be registered with the National Land Agency. The obstacle faced by PPATs is that there are still many grants made under the hand and do not present their heirs. In addition, the PPAT in making the grant deed is not in accordance with the form determined by law. In this case the PPAT must ensure that the formal and material requirements for parental grants to children out of wedlock are fulfilled and can translate and accommodate the interests of the parties, thus providing guarantees and legal certainty.

Keywords: Children; Deeds; Grant; Recognized; Wedlock.

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