The Effectiveness of Land Banks in the Implementation of Land Management in Indonesia

Defrito Bima Oktavio


This study aims to analyze: 1) The role and function of the land bank in land management in Indonesia. 2) The effectiveness of the land bank in the implementation of land management in Indonesia. The approach method used in discussing this research problem is a sociological juridical approach. The specification of the research used is descriptive analytical research. This type of data uses primary data and secondary data. The data analysis method used in this research is qualitative data analysis. The results of the study concluded: 1) The role and function of the land bank in land management in Indonesia, namely the land bank plays an important role in developing and increasing the capacity of land or land use. The procedure used by the Land Bank is to control the market and stabilize land owned by the local market meanwhile, the function of the land bank is contained in Article 3 Paragraph (1) of Government Regulation Number 64 of 2021 concerning Land Bank, that the function of the land bank is to carry out planning, acquisition, procurement, management, utilization and distribution activities of land. Based on the concept of legal certainty theory, legal certainty intends to provide certainty of the availability of land in the implementation of a land bank and provide guarantees to parties who are entitled to get their rights correctly. The certainty referred to in the form of certainty in the implementation of a land bank for the purpose of public welfare and public interest. 2) The effectiveness of the Land Bank in the Implementation of Land Management in Indonesia depends on whether the regulations that govern it are running or not. Land bank can be said to be effective if it can provide guarantees of legal certainty and prosperity for the community. The effectiveness of land banks in land management in Indonesia is determined by several factors, including regulations (legal regulations), land bank institutions, land bank financing and other factors. Regulations that must be enforced in realizing the effectiveness of a land bank are Government of Indonesia Number 113 of 2021 concerning the Structure and Operation of the Land Bank Agency.

Keywords: Effectiveness, Land Bank, Land Management

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