The Legitimacy of Legal Actions of Heirs as Substitute Waqifs in the Context of Registering Heirs' Waqf Land

Sumartini Sumartini


This study aims to determine the position of the heirs in terms of . settlement of endowments on land by their deceased parents; and to find out the legality of the heirs' legal actions as substitute Waqf in the context of registering the heir's Waqf land. This study uses a normative juridical method. The position of the heir in terms of settlement of Waqf on land by his deceased parents is the most prioritized to replace the Waqif (heir) to carry out the Waqf pledge procession before the Waqf Pledge Deed Making Officer (PPAIW), without having to transfer inheritance rights to land .

Keywords: Heirs; Legal; Position; Waqf.

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Act No. 5 of 1960 concerning Basic Agrarian Regulations;

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