The Juridical Analysis of the Implementation of Transfer of Land Rights Based on Certificates of Building Use Rights that have Expired Ownership

Fajar Gilang Ramdhani


The role of the government is urgently needed to set regulations in terms of tenure, ownership and use of land for legal certainty in the land sector. Land rights are regulated in Article 16 paragraph (1) of the Basic Agrarian Law (UUPA) (UUPA), one of which is the right to use a building. Right to Build is the right to construct and own a building on land that is not your own for a maximum period of 30 years. Limited information to the public regarding the time period for building use rights makes the land rights in the certificate return to state land. This research is analytical descriptive in nature to obtain a comprehensive and systematic picture of the issues raised in this research by means of a sociological juridical approach carried out through field research. The conclusion that is also the aim of this study is to find out the process of implementing the transfer of rights and legal certainty to the giver and recipient of their rights to land based on certificates of building use rights that have expired at the Cirebon District Land Office. The granting of priority rights to former holders of building use rights whose ownership period has expired is used as the basis for making the Deed of Relinquishment of Priority Rights in the process of transferring their rights made by a Notary.

Keywords: Building; Deed; Priority; Release.

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