The Role of the Notary in Making Deed of Change Of Company Management (CV) Due To Death

Muhamad Maulanal Chautsar


This study aims to identify and analyze the role and authority of the Land Deed Making Officer (PPAT) in making sale and purchase deed and power of attorney to sell certified land rights and the constraints and solutions faced by the Land Deed Making Officer (PPAT) in making sale and purchase deed and deed of power of attorney to sell certified land rights. The use of the sociological juridical approach in legal research is due to the fact that the problems studied are closely related to juridical and sociological factors. The analytical knife in answering the problem formulation uses the theory of legal certainty and the theory of authority. Roles and Authorities of Officials for Making Land Deeds (PPAT) in making Deeds of Sale and Purchase (AJB) and Deeds of Authorization to Sell Land Rights that are certified in Rembang Regency, namely in the preparation of the Sale and Purchase Deed and the implementation of the AJB. Making a PPAT deed, the parties who carry out legal actions regarding Land Rights and Ownership Rights over Flats Units must be present before the PPAT to convey the aims and objectives to the PPAT. Obstacles faced by the Land Deed Making Officer (PPAT) in making the Sales Purchase Deed and the Deed of Authorization to Sell Land Rights that are certified in Rembang Regency when there is a default or unlawful act committed by one of the parties. The occurrence of these obstacles, the PPAT can provide a solution to the parties to consult beforehand in resolving the problem.

Keywords: Certified; Land; Sale.

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