The Legal Protection of the Implementation of the Sale of Uncertified Land Through the Village Head

Shafira Rahmayuni


The sale and purchase of uncertified land refers to customary law. Therefore, a study of buying and selling land that has not been certified like this is very important for research because it is not in accordance with statutory regulations. The purpose of this research is to examine the reasons for buying and selling land that has not been certified through the village head in Tasikmalaya district, the legal certainty of buying and selling land that has not been certified through the village head in Tasikmalaya district, and legal protection for land buyers who have not been certified. . This study uses a sociological approach. The specifications used are analytical descriptive. The data used is in the form of primary data obtained by interview results and secondary data obtained by literature study. Qualitative analysis was analyzed using the theory of legal certainty, the theory of legal objectives and the theory of legal protection. The results obtained from this study are that the sale and purchase of uncertified land in Tasikamalaya district is still often carried out by village communities, especially regarding the transfer of rights to land that has not been certified with based on a letter of payment of tax owed on land as proof of ownership of the land, and proof of the transfer with a payment receipt and a statement that there has been a transfer of land rights through a sale and purchase issued by the village head. So with this matter that legal protection for buyers should be guaranteed certainty, order, and legal protection which has the core of truth and justice.

Keywords: Certified; Land; Purchase; Sale.

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