The Legal Protection of Heirs' Rights to Absentee Land Will Grants

Izza Zahrotul Hani’ah


This study aims to analyze absentee agricultural land ownership obtained as a result of inheritance through a will grant. The research method used is a normative legal research method with a conceptual approach. The data analysis method uses qualitative data analysis, which is a scientific way to obtain valid data results. Based on the research, it was concluded that the results of the study showed that: First, the form of legal protection for heirs against absentee land grants in Pati Regency is to make a will made before a notary to serve as the basis for making a grant deed as a legal requirement for the transfer of rights. Second, protection of the absolute rights of the heirs as absentee land recipients based on the will-grant inheritance process if the heirs continue to seek their agricultural land so that the land is not abandoned.

Keywords: Absentee; Land; Grant.

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