The Effectiveness of Electronic Mortgage Services by Land Deed Officials (PPAT)

Aldo Bagaskara Gumolung, Gunarto Gunarto


This research aims to know the correlation among technology which currently developing with PPAT, where technology can improve land services, especially regarding mortgages, the Government of Indonesia through the Ministry of ATR/BPN implements an electronically integrated mortgage service by launching electronic-related services, as regulated in the Regulation of the Minister of ATR/BPN Number 5 of 2020 about HT-el Services on April 6, 2020. The author views that this topic is very interesting and important to be used as research and interesting to be discussed further because it can be said that HT-el is a new policy issued by the government as an effort to improve performance effectiveness and quality in serving the community. With this study, the authors can find out firsthand the facts that occur regarding HT-el, so that it can see whether the policies issued by the Minister of ATR/BPN are in accordance with the objectives that want faster and more efficient work effectiveness of electronically by PPAT. The approach method used is an empirical juridical or sociological juridical approach. Sociological juridical research is research that tends to be qualitative in nature, based on primary data. Primary data is data obtained directly from the object. The results of research conducted by the author, the mechanism of mortgage service at PPAT, are only at the stage of checking land certificates at the land office as online without registering Mortgage manually at the Land Office. The effectiveness of the HT-el service by PPAT, this HT-el service has met the effective requirements.

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