Legal Protection of Myanmar Ethnic Refugees Based on Human Rights Fatima, PulepuneUniversity

Fatima Naik Wadi


The many ethnic groups in Myanmar have led to conflict between the majority and minority ethnic groups within the country. Ethnic Rakhine and ethnic Rohingya who live in one area have long been involved in conflict in which the Rohingya are ethnic Muslims and minorities, while the ethnic Rakhine are ethnic Buddhists who are the majority.

Conflicts that continue to drop victims from time to time require a settlement so that victims do not continue to fall. The government's role is then needed in handling the conflict which has further prolonged the humanitarian crisis in Myanmar. The Rohingya, who suffered more losses, require more attention from the relevant government. However, in reality the Rohingya did not receive attention from the Myanmar government, instead they received discrimination and added to the suffering of the Rohingya ethnic group. The purpose of this study is to analyze the protection of the Rohingya ethnicity based on human rights. The approach method in this study is normative juridical, with secondary data sources obtained through literature study. The data obtained were then analyzed using a qualitative descriptive method. The results of the research on Legal Protection for Refugees in the Myanmar Conflict Country, namely the Rohingya Ethnicity are Currently Not In Accordance With Human Rights, because there is still a discriminatory attitude from the Myanmar government along with the Buddhist majority ethnicity towards the Rohingya ethnicity which results in threats of acts of violence and violations in various other aspects of life, such as in terms of social, religious, economic, and education. Indications of human rights violations that occurred to the Rohingya began with the attitude of the Government of Myanmar in implementing policies in the 1982 Myanmar Citizenship Law, which forcibly assimilated by not recognizing the citizenship rights of the Rohingya and considering the Rohingya as foreigners in Myanmar.

Keywords: Protection, Refugees, Rohingya

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