Agung Tri


Criminal Law Policy in tackling crime-based brain ware which hereinafter called White Color Crime uses
a progressive juridical approach equipped with examples and case studies, it is intended to 1. Know and
analyze the policy formulation of White Color Crime and applicable sanctions imposed now 2. Contribute
material thought to the Legislators in formulating the law, especially in the crime crime issue of White
Color and the application of sanctions in the future. The results of this study will show that: 1. The
Formulation of Crime White Crime and its applicable sanctions. - Criminal action in the field of Limited
Liability Company by Corporation is regulated and formulated in Act No. PT. 1 Th 1995 as amended to
Law no. 40 Th. 2007 and Law no. 8 Th 1995 concerning the Capital Market and Law no. 25 Year 2007
regarding Investment. However, the definition of White Color Crime is not formulated in a limitative way,
it is to open the discourse and opinions of legal practitioners to interpret White Color Crime in an Open
and Progressive manner. - The legal subject of White Color Crime under Article 50 of the Law. No.41 of
1995 is a person in the sense of both personal, legal entity and business entity, arranged in the same few
articles are not distinguished either the article of personal or corporations so that corporations are subject
to the same personal sanctions threat. Capital Market which has full authority in the field of corporate
supervision to prevent the increasing intensity of crime White Color Crime. Not yet accommodated in
the Capital Market law in detail and specifick therefore, it becomes a legal loophole that can be exploited
by the perpetrator because it is not strictly regulated in the law so that it escapes from lawsuits and legal
pitfalls. - Criminal threats imposed are cumulative criminal sanctions, principal penalties, imprisonment
and penalties of fines, additional penalties for committing constructive crimes and sanctions for banning
life-long businesses and entering the DOT category. - Criminal penalty for corporation not yet equipped
with special rule. The application policy for the formulation of White Color Crime and the imposition of
sanctions is felt not to fulfill the aspect of certainty and justice. This occurs in various cases of White Color
Crime that occurred in the jurisdiction of the DKI Jakarta District Court (North, East, West, South and
Central). 2. The upcoming Crime Whute Color crime formulation policy is expected to publish publicly
the subject of the criminal law of the White Color Crime (person and legal entity or corporate body or
corporation formulated in comprehensive articles); 3. Criminal and Indemnification Sanctions shall
be formulated in an open and cumulative manner, the object is clear and harsh sanctions either to be
taken over by the Government or deprived of State for Subsequently submitted to the Capital Market.

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