Rismanto J. Purba


The State of the Republic of Indonesia as a state of law based on the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of
Indonesia guarantees certainty, order and legal protection for every citizen. To ensure certainty, order and
legal protection, authentic written evidence is needed regarding actions, agreements, stipulations, and legal
events made before or by a Notary. The problem raised in this paper is how Law Number 2 of 2014 concerning
amendments to Law Number 30 of 2004 concerning Notary Position regulates the making of contract deeds
before a Notary to have the maximum usefulness and usefulness, guaranteeing the Notary deed to function as
evidence the strongest and most fulfilled or as perfect evidence in accordance with the provisions of Article
1870 of the Civil Code, as the implementation of the provisions of Article 5 of Act No. 11 of 2012 concerning
the Establishment of Legislation, related to the practice of making contract deeds before a Notary who does
not comply with the provisions, and for know how the existing policy or legal politics as a consequence of
irregularities in making the deed of agreement before a Notary. The research method used is Normative or
Doctrinal legal research, namely legal research that uses secondary legal data sources and the approach
method used is a normative juridical approach method that is deductively, starting with analyzing the provisions that regulate matters that are based on legislation laws, related to other regulations and their relation
to implementation in practice, obtained from a number of court decisions that have permanent legal force,
obtained from the Supreme Court Directory, are related to Legal System Theory, Legal Certainty Theory and
Legal Protection Theory

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