Kiki Handoko Sembiring


The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) is a assembly for the deliberation of Muslim scholars, and scholars, and is one of the institutions that are highly trusted by the Indonesian people to determine the idolatry of a product, including in this case medicinal products. MUI also has the Mui Institute for the Study of Medicines and Cosmetics (LPPOM MUI), which is basically tasked with reviewing the page of a product. After the issuance of Act No. 33 of 2014 on Halal Product Guarantee, the role to issue halal certificates was delegated by the government to the Halal Product Assurance Agency (BPJPH), but in the law also did not relinquish the large role of MUI in the determination of the idolatry of a product (drugs). Including halal certificates that have previously been issued by MUI by law are still considered valid. For this reason, after the issuance of the Halal Product Guarantee Law, it is essential to understand MUI’s position in its authority to issue halal certificates and also the procedures of a pharmaceutical company / drugs to obtain mui halal label for the products of medicines produced.The aim of the research is to seek legal position of MUI in providing Halal Certificates on medicinal products and to find out the procedures for labeling HALAL MUI on medicinal products in Indonesia. The research conducted normative juridical research that used secondary data then processed it to three materials; primary legal, secondary legal and tertiary legal.Based on the results of research it is known that the legal position of MUI in providing Halal Certificates on medicinal products based on Article 1 number 7 and number 10 , Article 7, Article 10, Article 31 paragraph (1), Article 58, and Article 60 of Law No. 33 of 2014. Through LPPOM MUI is basically domiciled to issue a written halal fatwa and establish the validity of the drug products in question, if the MUI does not issue a determination and a written halal fatwa then the halal certificate cannot be issued and cannot be given to determine the validity of the medicinal products. Furthermore, the procedure of labeling HALAL MUI on medicinal products in Indonesia begins with the application for Halal Certificate by Businessman to BPJPH. Furthermore, BPJPH conducts a interity examination of the documents. Inspection and/or testing of the product’s page is carried out by LPH. The LPH must obtain accreditation from BPJH in cooperation with MUI. The determination of the halal product accomplished by MUI through the MUI halal fatwa signed by MUI. BPJPH issued a Halal Certificate based on the decision of halal product from MUI

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