Hendri Nunpia Dinka Barus Barus


As a state of law, everything aspect life public regulated and guaranteed by law. Including in Thing ownership something thing. Ownership soil guaranteed by deed authentic made by a Notary. Making deed during the pandemic moment this no could walk with goo. This thing because by juridical condition making deed Notary Public according to Article 28 Regelemet op het Notary-ambt in Indonesia (Ordinance of January 11, 1860) and Article 16 paragraph (1) letter m of the Law Number 30 of 2004 Jo. Constitution Number 2 of 2014 About Position Notary of the parties must present, while during PPKM when this every party prohibited for meet with reason prevent deployment Covid 19. Writing this use method normative. As for the update on writing this is existence discussion harmonization Among Settings condition the presence of the parties in making deed authentic with implementation in the community. Based on study yanga there is found reality that need will protection law to right owned by will something thing no move main really high. That thing make deed Notary Public Becomes something need alone for society. one condition absolute in making something deed authentic is presence of the parties Condition the poured in Article 28 Regelemet op het Notary-ambt in Indonesia (Ordinance of January 11, 1860) and Article 16 paragraph (1) letter m of the Law Number 30 of 2004 Jo. Constitution Number 2 of 2014 About Position Notary. The entry of the Covid-19 virus in this country Becomes something problem happy self for implementation condition that. advice from existing studies _ is need wish set more carry on related implementation from Article 28 Regelemet op het Notary-ambt in Indonesia (Ordinance of January 11, 1860) and Article 16 paragraph (1) letter m of the Law Number 30 of 2004 Jo. Constitution Number 2 of 2014 About Position Notary Public through digital media. Arrangement formulation provision the could in the form of regulation government related implementation making deed Notary Public by electronic.

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B. Regulation legislation

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D. Internet , Enforcement Restrictions Social Scale Large ,, Dilarang face to face , stop deed Notary / PPAT all , apply Until August 9 , this is the list of PPKM Level 4 Areas on the Island Java -Bali,


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