The Assistance in Household Financial Governance through the Maqashid Sharia Approach during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Kiryanto Kiryanto, Provita Wijayanti, Indri Kartika, Muhammad Jafar Shodiq, Dista Amalia


Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan tatakelola keuangan rumah tangga dengan pendekatan maqosid sharia pada majelis Ta’lim Aisiyah Pucang Gading  Demak Jawa Tengah. Pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian melalui beberapa tahapan yaitu Observasi, penentuan target mitra, sosialisasi dan pendampingan secara offline dengan mematuhi protokol kesehatan Kelompok mitra dapat memahami dan menerapkan tata kelola keuangan Rumah tangga berdasarkan pendekatan maqosid sharia untuk penjagaan jiwa, agama, akal,keturunanan dan harta dalam skala priritas kebutuhan serta impian keluarga yaitu kebutuhan dzaruriyat,hajiyat dan tahsiniyat.Perencanaan keuangan berdasarkan Maqoshid Sharia yang dikemas dalam Islamic Financial Planning (IFP) harus hadir untuk menata ulang perencanaan keuangan individu maupun keluarga agar tetap sustainable di pandemi Covid-19. Memperkuat ketahanan keuangan keluarga kelompok Majelis Ta'lim di masa pandemi Covid 19 dengan optimalisasi penerapan maqosid sharia dan akuntansi keluarga.

This community service aims to introduce household financial governance with Maqashid Sharia approach to Majelis Ta'lim Aisyiyah, Pucang Gading, Demak, Central Java. The implementation of these community service activities is through several stages, namely observation, determining target partners, socialization, and offline assistance by complying with the health protocols. Partner groups can understand and implement household financial governance based on Maqashid Sharia approach for the protection of life, religion, mind, offspring, and assets on a priority scale for family needs and dreams, namely dzaruriyat, hajiyat and tahsiniyat needs. The financial planning based on Maqashid Sharia packed in Islamic Financial Planning (IFP) should be present to rearrange individual and family financial planning to remain sustainable during the Covid-19 pandemic. Strengthening the financial resilience of Majelis Ta'lim family group during Covid-19 pandemic by optimizing the implementation of Maqashid Sharia and family accounting.


Financial governance; Maqashid Sharia; Household; Covid-19 pandemic

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