Edukasi Partisipasi Masyarakat Kelurahan Pandean Lamper dalam Pemeliharaan Bantaran Sungai Banjir Kanal Timur Semarang

Henny Pratiwi Adi, Slamet Imam Wahyudi


Kelurahan Pandean Lamper merupakan salah satu daerah rawan banjir di Kota Semarang, karena terletak di DAS Sungai Banjir Kanal Timur. Penanganan terhadap banjir di wilayah tersebut telah dilakukan oleh pemerintah berupa normalisasi sungai dan saluran drainase. Banjir Kanal Timur (BKT) adalah satu sistem pengendali banjir Kota Semarang yang terletak di bagian timur Kota Semarang. Sungai ini memiliki panjang ± 14,50 km. Proyek normalisasi Sungai Banjir Kanal Timur membentang dari hulu di Bendungan Pucanggading hingga berakhir Muara Sungai di Laut Jawa. Dalam tahap I, normalisasi dilakukan sepanjang 6,7 kilometer, dari muara hingga Jembatan Majapahit. Untuk menjamin keberlanjutan pengelolaan normalisasi sungai dan saluran drainase, diperlukan keterlibatan banyak pihak, termasuk partisipasi masyarakat yang bertempat tinggal di dalamnya. Oleh sebab itu warga di kawasan tersebut perlu mendapatkan edukasi bagaimana menjaga keberlanjutan normalisasi sungai dan saluran drainase. Warga Kelurahan Pandean Lamper memerlukan edukasi agar dapat ikut berpartisipasi dalam pemeliharaan sungai dan saluran drainase. Edukasi yang diberikan meliputi pemahaman tentang penyebab dan dampak banjir, penanganan banjir serta pemeliharaan bangunan infrastruktur pengendali banjir. Warga Kelurahan Pandean Lamper masih banyak yang tidak memahami bangunan pengendali banjir yang ada di sekitar lingkungan mereka. Melalui edukasi yang diberikan dalam penyuluhan, diharapkan warga Pandean Lamper bisa memahami peran yang harus dilakukan dalam menjaga keberlangsungan bangunan pengendali banjir. 

Pandean Lamper Village is one of the flood-prone areas in Semarang City, because it is located in the East Flood Canal River Basin. The government has taken steps to deal with flooding in the area by normalizing rivers and drainage channels. The East Flood Canal (BKT) is a flood control system for the City of Semarang which is located in the eastern part of the City of Semarang. This river has a length of ± 14.50 km. The East Flood Canal River normalization project stretches from the upper reaches of the Pucanggading Dam to the end of the River Estuary in the Java Sea. In phase I, normalization is carried out along 6.7 kilometers, from the estuary to the Majapahit Bridge. To ensure the sustainability of the normalization of river and drainage channel management, it requires the involvement of many parties, including the participation of the people who live in them. Therefore, residents in the area need to receive education on how to maintain the sustainability of normalization of rivers and drainage channels. The residents of Pandean Lamper Village need education so that they can participate in the maintenance of rivers and drainage channels. The education provided includes an understanding of the causes and impacts of floods, flood management and maintenance of flood control infrastructure buildings. There are still many residents of Pandean Lamper Village who do not understand the flood control buildings in their surroundings. Through the education provided in the counseling, it is hoped that the residents of Pandean Lamper can understand the role that must be carried out in maintaining the sustainability of flood control buildings.


banjir; edukasi; infrastruktur; flood; education; infrastructure

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