The Responsiblity to Take Care a Corpse as Muslim’s Obligations

Aryani Witasari, Siti Rodhiyah, Masrur Ridwan


This research aims to correct understanding of the nature of death will make us Muslims strive to prepare ourselves for death. The research method of implementing legal counseling was carried out by using lectures, discussions and training in retrieving the bodies of women by simulating how to bath and shroud. If death has approached us, what then is the duty of the living human, one of those obligations is to collect the corpse. The obligation to collect the corpse is 4 things, namely bathing, shrouding, praying and burying. This grooming obligation is based on Bukhari in HR Bukhari no. 1315 and Muslim no. 944. The procedure for gathering the bodies of women and men is essentially the same and Prophet Muhammad has taught us about the procedures for gathering corpses. There are pillars and sunnah that can be done. For hawa/women to carry out cleaning related to three things, it is sufficient, namely bathing, shrouding and praying for the corpse. As for the adam/man, if they can carry out the four of them, the reward is very large.

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