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The role of the kyai in pesantren is as the absolute highest authority holder, so that all activities in the pesantren must be approved by the kyai. Even in the process of transforming knowledge, the one who has the right to determine is the kyai. Ustadz is a senior santri who helps the kyai in guiding his santri. In subsequent developments, there were some shifts in the role of clerics and religious teachers who were no longer central figures and had to comply with the existing program management, this happened in the management of Tahfizh House precisely around 2007 on the idea of Ustadz Yusuf Mansur launched by the method of memorizing the Qur'an with the Tahfizh House model which is centered in Tangerang Banten and in 2010 the education of the Qur'an tahfizh model of the Tahfizh house was introduced in Central Java. This study uses a qualitative approach with multidisciplinary methods including, anthropology and sociology. In collecting data various methods will be used, among others, observation, literature review related to religious literacy, interviews with Tahfizh House Management as well as the Semarang Branch PPPA management. The unit of analysis that will be used is the institution, the House of Tahfizh as a non-formal educational institution. The results of this study the role of Kyai and Ustadz is to guide, teach, foster as well as an example of students and broadcast the Qur'an to the public. This study also resulted in the division of Kyai and Ustadz in several categories, namely First, Kyai and Ustadz who had full authority in the Tahfizh House. Their presence in the house of tahfizh is as a founder and teacher. Their position with PPPA management is limited to consolidation and coordination between institutions. Secondly, Kyai and Ustadz who are not the owners. The selection, placement and authority are carried out directly by the Tahfizh House independently, not through PPPA. Third, Kyai and Ustadz must follow all PPPA rules, because of the selection, placement and authority under the management of Darul Qur’an PPPA.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30659/cois.v0i0.8000


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