Reform Of Couple Sexual Rights Protection In Case Of Diseases Hiv / Aids In Indonesia
HIV / AIDS cases in Indonesia has expanded to a population previously low-risk populations, namely Housewife. But this time the case is already on the highest position in the case of AIDS, namely 15 916, so it’s time to do the reconstruction laws unfavorable to women, as was done by some states in the United States. 1945 is already mandated in Article 28A, 2D Paragraph (1), 28I Paragraph (2), 28J Paragraph (1), and Law No. 23 of 2004 onElimination of Domestic Violence.Some legal theory offers an alternative to overcome the various problems that exist in the community, especially to raise the dignity, degrees, and the dignity of women in HIV / AIDS cases. Women are still considered to be a weaker party and keompok men as superior, so that is quite dominant in the household. Legal responsive Philippe Nonet and Philip Selznick, progressive law initiated by Satjipto Rahardjo, and Werner Menski with lagal pluralism approach, gives insights brilliantly to tackle HIV / AIDS in Indonesia were poured into a kebijakansanaan as stated by Esmi Warassih ,Cases of HIV / AIDS in Indonesia have penetrated the population that was originally a low risk population, the housewife. But now the case is at the highest position in AIDS cases, 15.916, so it is time for a legal reconstruction in favor of women as practiced by Several states in the United States. The 1945 Constitution has mandated Article 28A, 2D Paragraph (1), 28I Paragraph (2), 28J Paragraph (1), and Law Number 23 of 2004 concerning the Elimination of Domestic Violence. Some theories offer legal alternatives to Overcome various problems that exist in society, especially to raise the dignity, degree and dignity of women in cases of HIV / AIDS. Women are still Considered a weak group and men as a superior group, so that within the household is quite dominant. Responsive law from Philippe Nonet and Philip Selznick,
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