Edukasi dan Strategi Terapi Latihan Berbasis Rumah untuk Mengurangi Keluhan Nyeri Lutut di Posyandu Lansia Kelurahan Bandungrejosari Malang

Elsa Annisa Jannah, Dimas Sondang Irawan, Anisa Mila Prasetya


Nyeri lutut atau osteoarthritis knee merupakan suatu kondisi patologi kronik yang paling banyak menyumbang gangguan pada lansia akibat adanya peradangan pada jaringan disekitar lutut. Faktor risiko penyebab terjadinya kondisi patologi ini umumnya akibat usia, jenis kelamin, berat badan berlebih, cedera lutut, dan aktivitas berulang pada lutut. Kondisi OA knee ini ditandai dengan adanya rasa nyeri, kaku dipagi hari, krepitasi, dan keterbatasan gerak sendi. Kegiatan pengabdian dilakukan dengan maksud memberikan dan meningkatkan pemahaman kepada komunitas lansia di RW 7 Bandungrejosari yang berjumlah kurang lebih 15 orang terkait dengan kondisi nyeri pada sendi lutut. Penyuluhan digunakan sebagai metode kegiatan pengabdian dengan media promosi kesehatan berupa leaflet yang di lengkapi dengan keterangan gambar latihan. Materi dan demo praktek terapi latihan berbasis rumah untuk mengurangi keluhan nyeri lutut dapat diterima dan dipahami dengan baik serta adanya pre-test dan post-test berupa pertanyaan seputar materi penyuluhan digunakan sebagai alat ukur evaluasi pemahaman lansia. Dimana dari hasil evaluasi tersebut diperoleh bahwa adanya peningkatan sebesar 100% pada pengetahuan lansia terhadap kondisi nyeri lutut.

Knee pain or knee osteoarthritis is a chronic pathological condition that contributes the most to disorders in the elderly due to inflammation of the tissues around the knee. The risk factors that cause this pathological condition are generally age, gender, overweight, knee injury, and repetitive activities on the knee. This knee OA condition is characterized by pain, stiffness in the morning, crepitus, and limited joint motion. Service activities are carried out with the aim of providing and increasing understanding to the elderly community in RW 7 Bandungrejosari, amounting to approximately 15 people related to the condition of pain in the knee joint. Counseling is used as a method of service activities with health promotion media in the form of leaflets which are equipped with descriptions of pictures of exercises. Materials and practice demonstrations of home-based exercise therapy to reduce knee pain complaints were well received and understood and the pre-test and post-test in the form of questions about counseling materials were used as a measuring tool for evaluating the understanding of the elderly. Where from the results of the evaluation it was found that there was an increase of 100% in the knowledge of the elderly about the condition of knee pain.


Lansia; nyeri lutut; penyuluhan; terapi latihan; elderly; osteoarthritis knee; counseling; exercise therapy

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