Pengolahan Air Kelapa Menjadi Minuman Probiotik dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Imunitas dan Kesejahteraan Warga Banjardowo Genuk Kota Semarang

Siti Thomas Zulaikhah, Susilorini Susilorini, Rohadi Rohadi


Air kelapa secara langsung dapat diminum dan sangat segar rasanya. Pemanfaatan air kelapa dari pasar tradisionil masih terbatas, maka sering kali dibuang begitu saja baik ke sungai maupun ke parit sehingga menimbulkan masalah. Tujuan kegiatan ini untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan kader Kesehatan Forum Kelompok Kesehatan (FKK) Banjardowo, Genuk Kota Semarang untuk memanfaatkan air kelapa menjadi minuman probiotik. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan ini melalui penyuluhan dan praktik. Peserta sebanyak 15 kader kesehatan dari FKK. Kegiatan diawali dari penyebaran kuesioner kepada peserta, peserta diminta mengisi kuesioner yang berisi 20 pertanyaan sebelum kegiatan dimulai. Kegiatan selanjutnya peserta mendapatkan penyuluhan tentang manfaat air kelapa, pentingnya konsumsi minuman probiotik untuk kesehatan dan proses pembuatan probiotik berbahan air kelapa. Berikutnya peserta mendapatkan materi praktik langsung bagaimana cara membuat minuman probiotik barbahan air kelapa dan dilanjut dengan tanya jawab. Sebelum kegiatan ini diakhiri peserta diminta mengisi kuesioner lagi sehingga nantinya skor pengetahuan hasil pengisian kuesioner sebelum dan sesudah kegiatan dapat diketahui dan dibandingkan dengan uji Wilcoxon karena data berdistribusi tidak normal, keputusan ada tidaknya perbedaan skor berdasarkan α 5%. Rerata skor pengetahuan sebelum 55,27, sesudah 84.80, hasil analisis diperoleh nilai p=0,001<0,05. Terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan skor pengetahuan sebelum dan sesudah kegiatan.

Coconut water could be drunk directly and was very fresh in taste. The use of coconut water from traditional markets was still limited, so it was often thrown away either into rivers or into ditches, causing problems. The purpose of this activity was to provide knowledge and practice directly through empowering women at the Banjardowo Health Group Forum (FKK), Genuk, Semarang City to use coconut water as a probiotic drink.The method of implementing this activity was through counseling and practice. The participants were 15 health volunteers from FKK. The activity began with distributing questionnaires to participants, participants were asked to fill out a questionnaire containing 20 questions before the activity began. The next activity, participants received counseling about the benefits of coconut water, the importance of consuming probiotic drinks for health and the process of making probiotics made from coconut water. After that participants received hands-on practice material on how to make a probiotic drink made from coconut water and continued with posttest. Before this activity ended, participants were asked to fill out the questionnaire again so that later the knowledge scores from filling out the questionnaires before and after the activity could be known and compared with the Wilcoxon test. Because the data were not normally distributed, the decision whether there was a difference in scores was based on 5%. The mean score of knowledge before 55.27, after 84.80, the results of the analysis obtained p value = 0.001 <0.05. There was a significant difference in knowledge scores before and after the activity.


Air kelapa; minuman probiotik; FKK Banjardowo; Coconut water; probiotics

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