Author Geograpichal Coverage: Indonesia
Table of Contents
Reconstruction of Ius Constituendum Cyber Notary Regulations in E-RUPS as Relaas Acta
Wanda Shicilya, Marsella Maurin Souissa, Rizka Tiara Kusuma, Putu Ayu Sriasih Wesna
Remodeling Cyber Notary Concept in Making Notarial Deeds Electronically
Nadia Shafa Ghalia Berliana, Sabrina Zahara Noor Rahma, Anisa Salsabila, Unggul Basoeky
Implementation of Trusted Third Party in Cyber Notary Concept in Indonesia
Anak Agung Bagus Ryan Ganandhika, Putu Rama Ari Pratama, Made Panji Ambara Putra, I Wayan Kartika Jaya Utama
Legal Review of the Use of Smart Contracts in Cyber Notary Services with Blockchain Security Based on the Perspective of UUJN and UU ITE
Novita Sari, Sarifa Amina Kahar, Zumali Fahreza, Idul Rishan
Implementation of Time Stamp as a Form of Legal Certainty Regarding the Cyber Notary Concept
Sudargo Tandiono, Nuzul Shinta Nur Rahmasari, Rizka Aprilia Berliana, Habib Adjie
Harmonization of Legislation in the Framework of ImplementationCyber Notary din Indonesia
Joshua Raymond Saputra, Darista Eny Christiana, Addinar Fatimatus Zahroh, Sigit Irianto
Harmonization of Law on the Future Challenges of Notaries in Indonesia in Facing the Cyber Notary Era
Fajar Agustan, Robert Dicky Syahputra, Sulthan Hafizh, Fitria Dewi Navisa