Dwi Maulina


The purpose of this research to test and analyze: service quality on farmer
satisfaction. Respondents in this study were farmers from the Mitra Tani Kiosk in
Ungaran Village, Kebumen Regency.
The research applied the associative method with a quantitative approach that aims
to determine the relationship between two or more variables. With this research, a
theory can be built that can function to explain, predict and control a symptom. The
variables used are reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, tangible and
farmer satisfaction. The analysis technique used is multiple linear analysis with
processing aids, namely IBM SPSS version 26.
The results show that reliability has a positive and significant effect on farmer
satisfaction, responsiveness has a positive and significant effect on farmer
satisfaction, assurance has a positive and significant effect on farmer satisfaction,
empathy has no effect on farmer satisfaction, tangible has a positive and significant
effect on farmer satisfaction.

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